Ponte Ulla, located in the municipality of Vedra.
The Gundián bridge, a very high railway crossing built in the second half of the 18th century and which has become one of the hallmarks
The Gundián bridge, a very high railway crossing built in the second half of the 18th century and which has become one of the hallmarks
Arousa Island, Pontevedra The Island of Arosa is not virgin like most of the islands that you will have to know in Galicia, but it
Camelle Here you will find next to the pier the so-called Museo do Alemán. This curious and touching garden of outdoor sculptures made with rocks
Mondoñedo is within the Camino del Norte to Santiago de Compostela recently included in the UNESCO Heritage. D. Álvaro Cunqueiro, the most illustrious man of
It is a classic in the lists of abandoned places in Galicia. It could be said that its appearance, between bucolic and mysterious, leaves no
The image of the Virgen of the Stone is one of the best-known monuments in the municipality of Baiona. It was built in granite on
The island of Sálvora is an island in the Atlantic Ocean, located at the mouth of the Arosa estuary, Galicia, Spain. Separated from the mainland
Rodas beach is the largest of the Cíes Islands, it is located on the Island of Monteagudo. In the Cíes Islands (Galicia) is the living
Finisterre is a cape located on the Spanish Atlantic coast, in the Galician municipality of Finisterre. Cape Finisterre forms a rocky granite peninsula located on
Sanxenxo, tourist heart of the Salnés region. Everything is designed for the leisure and entertainment of tourists. It has a privileged location, in the center
The Pincheira Waterfall is a natural attraction that no tourist visiting O Barco can miss. In addition to being a natural waterfall about 25 meters
En Caldas de Reis dirección A Estrada nos encontramos con la Fervenza de Segade. Un paraje singular que nos ofrece el Río Umia en forma
The parish of Seceda, a place to visit. It is framed in an impressive place, where green predominates. Its steep streets often pass under aerial
No podía ser en otro lugar que en la Playa de las Catedrales en Ribadeo (Lugo), la parte bonita por excelencia del litoral norte gallego.
A valoración da Semana Santa deste ano é unánime en todos os sectores e organizacións turísticas consultadas. A comarca de Pontevedra e especialmente Sanxenxo alcanzaron cifras de visitantes que se asemellan máis ao principio
Entre las modalidades que mejor ha respondido en este puente das Letras Galegas se encuentran las casas de turismo rural. El nivel de reservas y